

Профиль компании


Company name: JTEKT Corporation
President: Mr. Kazuhiro Sato

Nagoya Head Office

Address: 15th Floor, Midland Square, 4-7-1 Meieki, Nakamura-ku
Postal code: 450-8515
City: Nagoya
Country: Japan
Phone: +81 (0)52 527 1900

Osaka Head Office

Address: 3-5-8 Minami-semba, Chuo-ku
Postal code: 542-8502
City: Osaka
Country: Japan
Phone: +81 (0)66 271 8451
Main business activities: Manufacture and sales of steering systems, driveline components, bearings, machine tools, electronic control devices, home accessory equipment, etc.
Capital: 45 billion yen (as of March 31, 2012)
Sales Consolidated: 1.052 billion yen (in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012)
Nonconsolidated: 588 billion yen (in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012)
Number of employees: 39.834 (2012)


1921 Koyo Seiko Co. founded
1935 Company reorganized into a corporation and renamed Koyo Seiko Co., Ltd.
1938 Kokubu Plant completed
1943 Start of operations at Tokyo Plant
1958 American Koyo Corp. (presently Koyo Corporation of U.S.A.) established as the first affiliate overseas
1960 Steering system development and prototype production begun at Kokubu Plant
1963 Joint bearing manufacturing and sales operations with Osaka Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (presently Daibea Co., Ltd.) begun Tokushima Plant completed
1969 Hamura Plant (presently Tokyo Plant) completed
1973 American Koyo Bearing Mfg Corp. (presently Koyo Corporation of U.S.A.) established, South Carolina plant completed, start of bearing production in USA
1975 Operations begun at Hiketa Plant (presently Kagawa Plant)
1979 Operations of old Tokyo Plant and Hamura Plant combined at Hamura, the plant renamed as the Tokyo Plant
1973 American Koyo Bearing Mfg Corp. (presently Koyo Corporation of U.S.A.) established, South Carolina plant completed, start of bearing production in USA
1983 World's first electronically controlled power steering system developed
1984 Ceramic bearing developed jointly with Toshiba Corporation
1986 Operations begun at Toyohashi Plant
1988 Production of world's first electric power steering system begun. Joint venture TRW Koyo Steering Systems Company formed with U.S. company TRW Inc. (presently JTEKT Automotive Tennessee-Vonore Co.)
1989 Technical center at Kokubu Plant completed
1990 Operations begun at Kameyama Plant.
Financial participation and technical assistance to Societe de Mecanique D'Irigny S.A. (presently JTEKT Automotive Lyon S.A.S.) begun
1991 North American Technical Center established in USA
European Bearing Central Office established in the Netherlands
1997 European Bearing Technical Centre established in the Netherlands
1998 R&D center completed at Nara Plant
2000 Obtained majority ownership of Peugeot steering manufacturing subsidiary, changed name to Koyo Steering Dijon Saint-Etienne S.A.S. (presently JTEKT Automotive Dijon Saint-Etienne S.A.S.)
Basic agreement with Toyoda Machine Works, Ltd. regarding electric power steering joint development
2001 Business tie-up with Fuji Kiko Co., Ltd. regarding steering columns
2002 Establishment with Toyota Motor Corporation, Denso Corporation, and Toyoda Machine Works, Ltd. of joint venture FAVESS Co., Ltd. for the development and sale of electric power steering
Became first company in Japan to obtain certification in ISO/TS 16949 (2002 version)
2003 TRW Koyo Steering Systems Company made a wholly owned Koyo subsidiary and renamed Tennessee Koyo Steering Systems Company (presently JTEKT Automotive Tennessee-Vonore Co.)
2005 Koyo Seiko Co., Ltd. and Toyoda Machine Works, Ltd. conclude merger agreement
2006 Start of JTEKT Corporation
2007 Joint venture of JTEKT Sona Automotive India Ltd. and Sona Koyo Steering Ltd. for the manufacture of electric power steering in India
2008 Machine tool sales and Service Company Toyoda Micromatic Machinery India Limited established in India as joint venture with Micromatic Grinding Technologies
2010 Acquisition of the Torrington needle roller bearing business from Timken

Sustainability & environment


We are convinced that our Planet’s needs have to be taken good care of. Not only do we believe that – we actually strive to make our products as environmentally friendly as possible. Low friction, low energy loss bearings mean longer bearing life and less pollution - in this way we wish to contribute to the Earth’s preservation. By manufacturing products used to capture the most promising renewable energy source – the wind – we try to contribute to the betterment of the world our children will come to live in.

Stemming from a deep ecological awareness, JTEKT is determined to proactively pursue environmental conservation in all its business activities.

  1. Continuously improve our environmental management system to harmonize our business activities with our sustainability efforts.
  2. Comply with all requirements of environmental laws, regulations, treaties, agreements, etc., related to our business activities and strive to prevent environmental pollution.
  3. Raise the environmental awareness of all employees and pursue the following as important environmental management objectives in relation to all our business activities, products and services:
    (1)Develop and design environmentally friendly products
    (2)Reduce CO2 emissions through effective energy utilization
    (3)Reduce waste
    (4)Thoroughly control chemical substances and reduce environmentally burdensome substances
    (5)Reduce primary and secondary materials scrap ratio
    (6)Reduce CO2 emissions in logistics
    (7)Maintain and improve community environments
  4. Maintain an environmental conservation promotion structure, clarify the purposes and targets of environment conservation activities, conduct periodic reviews, and pursue environmental conservation activities with the participation of all employees.
  5. Maintain awareness of the community surrounding each business site, maintains good communication with concerned government agencies and local residents, and publicly discloses information on our environmental management activities as necessary.
Bearing 3D

Где производятся подшипники Koyo?

По всему миру JTEKT Corporation располагает, в целом, 61 производственным предприятием (элементов систем управления, компонентов силовых установок, подшипников и станков). Сами же подшипники Koyo производятся на следующих предприятиях:

Япония: 5 предприятий
Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион: 8 предприятий
Европа: 7 предприятий
Северная и Южная Америка: 1 предприятие

You may communicate us your personal data in the frame of using our website. JTEKT Europe Bearings B.V. and its affiliates undertake to comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR May 25th 2018) and shall process your data in compliance with GDPR. In case, you would like to proceed with your rights (refusal, information, access, erasure, restriction, portability), you can send a request to Our privacy policy is available at:

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