

Van 18-20 september vindt de Industriele TIV beurs in Hardenberg plaats, waarbij JTEKT/Koyo aanwezig zal zijn met een eigen stand. JTEKT is een Japanse firma aktief in met name de algemene (automobiel)toeleveringsindustrie. Koyo, de lagerdivisie van het Japanse JTEKT, behoort tot de 6 grootste wereldwijde spelers in de lagermarkt. Naast producten voor de automobielindustrie wordt een breed pallet aan lagers voor allerlei industriele toepassingen aangeboden. xxx

Mocht u naar de TIV beurs gaan, twijfelt u dan niet om onze stand 316 te bezoeken, voor algemene vragen of zakelijke besprekingen.

MOTEK, the annual international trade fair for automation in production and assembly, took place on October 8-11 in the Exhibition Centre in Stuttgart. It is one of the largest fairs in the southern - German speaking - area, exhibiting in 6 halls with more than 800 participating companies. Kuenemund Waelzlager GmbH & Co. KG - an inherent participant to this trade fair - also participated this year by showing a large variety of their know-how and in-house products. Complementary; Kuenemund showed some material that was provided by Koyo, mainly housing units and ball&roller products. This joint activity underlined the close cooperation and partnership between both parties with Kuenemund acting as Koyo's distributor in Southern Germany. Common future activities are already in the planning - also for the next episode of the MOTEK fair - so stay tuned for future events that will be represented together.

 This year Koyo will be joining Automechanika in Frankfurt with a small booth to promote its aftermarket automotive product portfolio. Next to Koyo automotive bearings, also automotive steering systems and components branded JTEKT will be promoted. Both JTEKT product families have recently been included in the TECDOC global database to support the AM distribution channels. All JTEKT/Koyo products that are offered to the replacement market, are genuine parts that were originally validated as OEM parts by the carmakers.

We will be happy to meet you at our booth (Hall 1.1, booth C17) should you happen to visit the fair.

On Sunday 17th of June, Toyota won the 86th edition of Les 24 Heures du Mans

JTEKT, sponsor of the Toyota team congratulates the Toyota Gazoo Racing Team and is honoured to associate its name to this outstanding victory. On board of the hybrid Toyota TS050 (2018 version), team mates, Buemi, Nakajima and Alonso registered the first ever victory of the Japanese brand in the LMP1 (Le Mans Prototypes Hybrid) category.

Already world champion in 2014, Toyota has tried since almost 30 years to write its name to the world's most famous and very competitive race.

Toyota team never gave up to win this race despite some very cruel disillusion like in 2016, when, leading the race, the Toyota car stopped on the track in the last lap of the competition leaving the victory to  Porsche 919 hybrid. Now Toyota wrote what is probably the best page of its automobile racing history.

JTEKT sponsors Toyota at le mans 2018

Bearing 3D

Ce este un rulment cu contact unghiular?

Un rulment cu contact unghiular are căile de rulare axial asimetrice. O sarcină axială trece într-o linie dreaptă prin lagăr, în timp ce o sarcină radială are un traseu oblic, a cărei rezultanta tinde să se separe căile de rulare pe direcție axiala. Unghiul de contact de pe inelul interior este același cu cel pe inelul exterior. Rulmenții cu contact unghiulari suporta mai bine „încărcări le combinate" (încărcări în ambele direcții, radiala si axiala) și unghiul de contact al rulmentului trebuie să fie adaptat la proporția relativa a fiecărei forte. Cu cat unghiul de contact este mai mare (de obicei, în intervalul 10 - 45 de grade), cu atât mai mare este capacitatea de încărcare axială, dar mai mică cea radială. În aplicații de mare viteză, cum ar fi turbinele, motoare si echipamente cu jet, echipamente pentru stomatologie, forțele centrifuge generate de bile schimbă unghiul de contact de la inelul interior și exterior. Materialele ceramice, cum ar fi nitrura de siliciu sunt acum utilizate cu regularitate în astfel de aplicații, datorită densității lor scăzute (40% din cea a oțelului). Aceste materiale reduc semnificativ forța centrifugă și funcționează bine în medii cu temperaturi ridicate. Ele au, de asemenea, un comportament la uzura similar cu cel al oțelului, nu se crapă sau se sparg ca sticla sau porțelanul.

Cele mai multe biciclete utilizează rulmenți cu contact unghiular - in furca, deoarece forțele de pe aceste lagăre sunt atât de direcție radială cat și axială.

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