

European Locations

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Company name JTEKT Europe Bearings B.V.
Country: The Netherlands
Address: Markerkant 13-01, Almere
Phone: +31 (0)36 538 3333
Type:  European Headquarters & Warehouse
Company name JTEKT Europe Bearings, B.V. - JTEKT Almaty Representative Office
Country: Republic of Kazakhstan

 34/29, Kaldayakova str., 3rd floor, Medeu district, Almaty 

Type: Sales
Company name JTEKT Sales Deutschland GmbH
Country: Germany
Address: Bargkoppelweg 4, 22145 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (0)40 67 90 900
Type:  Sales
Company name JTEKT Sales France SA
Country: France
Address: Working address: 55 avenue de Colmar, 92500 RUEIL MALMAISON
Phone: +33 (0)1 41 398 000
Type: Sales
Company name

 JTEKT Europe Bearings, B.V., Sucursal en España


Country: Spain
Address: C. de la Mancha, 1, 28823 Coslada, Madrid
Phone: +34 (0)913 290 818
Type: Sales
Bearing 3D

What is a bearing?

A bearing is a moving device that supports rotational movement between a stationary part and a rotating part. There are several types of bearings like slide, magnetic and rolling bearings. Koyo bearings are “Rolling Bearings” Rolling bearings have a long service life, high interchangeability and is power saving. The rolling elements of the bearings are assembled between inner and outer rings with or without cage. With this structure, a smooth rolling motion can be realized during operation. The great advantages of rolling bearings are:

  • Low starting friction
  • Ability to support both radial and thrust load and high speed rotation
  • Easy to handle and maintained
  • Interchangeable and easy acquirement (global normalization & standardization)
  • Can operate in extreme environments (high and low temperatures)
  • Simple methods of grease lubrication

Bearings are critical elements in all types of machinery and products. You can find them for example in automobiles, airplanes, home appliances but also in equipment for malting steel and semiconductors.

You may communicate us your personal data in the frame of using our website. JTEKT Europe Bearings B.V. and its affiliates undertake to comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR May 25th 2018) and shall process your data in compliance with GDPR. In case, you would like to proceed with your rights (refusal, information, access, erasure, restriction, portability), you can send a request to dpo.jeo@jtekt.eu. Our privacy policy is available at: www.jtekt.co.jp/e/privacy3.html

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