
Kiev/Ukrainian Industrial Forum participation by TD Irbis on 24-27 November 2015

The International Industrial Forum is the largest industrial fair organized by the Ukrainian industry and is known and respected for its high quality program. The conference covers areas like; Metal-Working, UkrMachTech, UkrWelding, UkrPlastTech, Hydraulics. Pneumatics, Hoisting and Transporting, Storehouse Equipment, Industrial Safety, Subcontracts, UkrUsedTech, UkrPromAutomation, Bearings and Patters, Standards and Instruments.

 TD Irbis our business partner and Koyo Distributor since 2004 combined forces with Koyo Germany and had a joint participation in the International Industrial Forum. TD Irbis was founded in 1990 and is one of the leading suppliers of the components for industry in Ukraine. They supply bearings, linear guides, chains, driving belts, conveyor belts, gear motors, filters, and components for industrial transmission, lubrication systems and lubricants, seals and provide technical services. Their mission is to cover every client’s needs by offering a wide range of products and services, which includes the best delivery conditions, technical support, diagnostics and modernization of units and mechanisms.

The booth was well designed with a contemporary look. Our Koyo bearings were displayed in a separate area. Koyo Germany representatives were also present during the fair to provide support whenever was needed. The booth was well visited by the public and professionals of this industry and we would like to thank Irbis for all their efforts and perfect organization at the fair.

TD Irbis head-office is located in Kharkov area, with 6 branch offices through Ukraine and one office in Russia. Visit their website:


Bearing 3D

Ce este un rulment?

Rulmentul este un mecanism ce permite mișcarea de rotație intre doua componente, una statica si una in mișcare. Există mai multe tipuri de lagăre: de alunecare, magnetice și de rostogolire. Rulmenții Koyo sunt „ Lagăre de rostogolire” ce au o durată lunga de viață, interschimbabilitate mare și care economisesc energia. Elementele de rulare ale rulmenților sunt asamblate între inele interioare și exterioare, cu sau fără colivie. Cu această structură, in timpul funcționării, poate fi realizata o mișcare lină de rulare. Avantaje folosirii rulmenților sunt:

  • Frecare minima la pornire
  • Abilitatea de a prelua atât sarcini radiale cat si axiale la viteze ridicate de rotație
  • Ușor de manevrat și întreținut
  • Poate funcționa în medii extreme (temperaturi ridicate și scăzute)
  • Metode simple de lubrifiere

BRulmenții sunt elemente critice la toate tipurile de mașini, utilaje și produse. Ii puteți găsi, de exemplu, în avioane, automobile, aparate casnice, dar și în echipamente pentru producția de oțel și semiconductori

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