

Rețea de distribuție

JTEKT Koyo European Rețea de distribuție

Rodriguez GmbH


Rodriguez is one of the leading suppliers of thin-section bearings, precision roller bearings, special bearings and linear technology for a whole range of industrial applications. Their portfolio also includes components and systems for the automotive industry. From single machine components through to ready-to-install complete systems, their technically sophisticated, integrated and customized solutions successfully satisfy customer demands.

The factory in Eschweiler/Germany boasts a comprehensive machine shop – the basis for our flexibility, and the guarantor of unwavering high standards of quality. Thanks to decades of application experience, They pride themselves on their high level of engineering competence.

When combined with their own production capacity, they deliver these products in all versions and types required by the market. One of their major priorities is to keep in close contact with the customers to provide them with individual advice. To support this philosophy, their Sales & Marketing division is staffed with qualified technical experts. They are also highly committed to the further education and training of employees throughout the company. Their creativity, ideas and innovating strengths are the springboards for practical oriented research and product development, and ensure the high capacity and performance of the company.



Ernst-Abbe-Straße 20, 52249, EschweilerGermany

Phone: +49 2403 780 0

Bearing 3D

Ce este un rulment?

Rulmentul este un mecanism ce permite mișcarea de rotație intre doua componente, una statica si una in mișcare. Există mai multe tipuri de lagăre: de alunecare, magnetice și de rostogolire. Rulmenții Koyo sunt „ Lagăre de rostogolire” ce au o durată lunga de viață, interschimbabilitate mare și care economisesc energia. Elementele de rulare ale rulmenților sunt asamblate între inele interioare și exterioare, cu sau fără colivie. Cu această structură, in timpul funcționării, poate fi realizata o mișcare lină de rulare. Avantaje folosirii rulmenților sunt:

  • Frecare minima la pornire
  • Abilitatea de a prelua atât sarcini radiale cat si axiale la viteze ridicate de rotație
  • Ușor de manevrat și întreținut
  • Poate funcționa în medii extreme (temperaturi ridicate și scăzute)
  • Metode simple de lubrifiere

BRulmenții sunt elemente critice la toate tipurile de mașini, utilaje și produse. Ii puteți găsi, de exemplu, în avioane, automobile, aparate casnice, dar și în echipamente pentru producția de oțel și semiconductori

You may communicate us your personal data in the frame of using our website. JTEKT Europe Bearings B.V. and its affiliates undertake to comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR May 25th 2018) and shall process your data in compliance with GDPR. In case, you would like to proceed with your rights (refusal, information, access, erasure, restriction, portability), you can send a request to Our privacy policy is available at:

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