JTEKT Bearings Romania SA
Nom de la compagnie: | JTEKT Bearings Romania SA |
Pays: | Romania |
Adresse: | Sos. Turnu Magurele nr. 1, Alexandria |
Téléphone: | +40 (0)247 306 400 |
Type: | Production Koyo bearings |
Profile |
Nom de la compagnie: | JTEKT Bearings Romania SA |
Directeur général: | Mr. Yoshiji Hada |
Profile |
Adresse: | Sos. Turnu Magurele nr. 1 |
Code postal: | 140003 |
Ville: | Alexandria |
Pays: | Romania |
Téléphone: | +40 (0)247 306 400 |
E-mail: | Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. |
Info |
Principales Activités Commerciales: | Manufacturing of bearings |
Gestion de la qualité: | Certified ISO/TS 16949 & ISO 14001:2004 |
Taille totale: | 341.000 m2 |
Ofis: | 125.000 m2 |
1971 | The set-up of the company as a state owned company, with Koyo Seiko know-how |
1974 | SOP: first bearings were produced by the new plant in Alexandria |
March 1998 | Koyo Seiko Co. Ltd. bought the majority of the company shares |
July 1998 | The company becomes “Koyo Romania S.A.” |
2006 | SBB - Quality improvement plan, mainly focusing automotive industry bearings |
2009 | TRB Quality Improvement Plan - PO Quality for TRB - Install 4 Continuous Lines -Grinding & Assembly |
2013 | Expansion of TRB business for automotive applications |